The Marriage of Peter Brooke

The Marriage of Peter Brooke and Susannah Crookall

Peter Brooke of Astley

Peter Brooke of Astley was married to James Crookall of Clifton's daughter Susannah by Special Licence issued on April 4th 1761

Know all Men by these Presents, that We
Peter Brooke of Astley in the Parish of Croston and County of Lancaster Esquire and James Crookall (deleted) Matthew Ryley Gentleman of Clifton in the Parish of Kirkham and County aforesaid are held and firmly bound unto the Right Reverend Father in God Edmund by divine Permission, Lord Bishop of Chester, in Two Hundred Pounds of good and lawful Money of Great Britain,  to be paid to the said  Right Reverend Father, or to his certain Attorney, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns; to which Payment well and truly to be made, We oblige Ourselves, and each of Us, by himself for the whole, Our and each of Our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators firmly by these Presents, Sealed with our Seals; dated the fourth Day of April in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and sixty one.

The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if there shall not thereafter appear any lawful Let or Impediment by reason of any Pre-Contract, Consanguinity, Affinity, or any other just Cause whatsoever, but that

Peter Brooke above bounden and Susannah Crookall of Clifton aforesaid Spinster

may Lawfully Marry together and that there is not any Suit depending before any Judge Ecclesiatical or Civil, for or concerning any such Pre-Contract; and that the Consent of the Parents, or others the Govenors of the said Parties, be thereunto first had and obtained, and that they cause their said Marriage to be openly Solemnised in the Face of the Parish Church of 


between the Hours of Eight and Twelve in the forenoon, and do and shall save harmless and keep idemnified the above named Lord Bishop, his commissary, his Surrogates, and all other his Officers, and Successors in Office for and concerning the Premises, then this Obligation to be void, or else in Force.

Sealed and Delivered
in the Presence of

Charles Buck.                          
Ellen Smalley
Peter Brooke
Matt Ryley 

The Reverend Charles Buck M.A. was the vicar of St. Michaels Parish Church in Kirkham from 1744 to 1771.

The Special Licence fee in 1761 was £200 with a purchasing power in today's money around £30,000.00 which makes a Special Licence in the Church of England today of approximately £250 seem rather like a bargain.

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